Where do I start?

I have been watching the news with increasing concern… No. Wait, that’s not right, let me try again. I have been watching the news with increasing alarm over the past few months. And that’s not right either. I have been watching the news with increasing certainty that we are truly in the last days. Maybe … Read more

The Whisper

There is a battle raging over us – all around us. You can call it terrorism, evil, sadness, anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, murder, jealousy, unforgiveness, betrayal, poison-whatever.  It doesn’t matter what we call it. Ultimately it is suffering. Even the earth itself is suffering as evidenced by earthquakes, violent storms, tsunamis, tornadoes, huråçricanes, cyclones, gale … Read more

The Battle Within

Battlefields. The lines are drawn. The soldiers are engaged. The populace is watching. Waiting. Waiting for what? A winner? A loser? Does it feel like this in your heart? Are you watching, waiting, wondering who will win this time? Can you make it through another battle? What or who is pulling at your heart? Who … Read more