The Whisper

There is a battle raging over us – all around us. You can call it terrorism, evil, sadness, anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, murder, jealousy, unforgiveness, betrayal, poison-whatever.  It doesn’t matter what we call it. Ultimately it is suffering. Even the earth itself is suffering as evidenced by earthquakes, violent storms, tsunamis, tornadoes, huråçricanes, cyclones, gale … Read more

Five Minute Friday: Afraid

It’s 5-minute Friday again. The prompt for this week? AFRAID. I know! Even looking at the word invokes fear doesn’t it? It’s interesting that even in scripture the implication is that it’s a state of being-not just a feeling. Encompassing all of us, our whole selves. Head to toe. Even our hair and skin freak … Read more