Five Minute Friday: Listen

I really only have 5 minutes this morning. two grands coming to stay for a week. The prompt today is: Listen I will listen today very carefully for the toddler and his older sister. I will care for their needs and rock them to sleep. But I will also listen to the memories of how … Read more

Five Minute Friday: Imagine

It’s five minute Friday again over at Lisa-Jo’s and today’s prompt is: Imagine Yes, the song did just start in my head- and then it hit me- how sad to imagine no Heaven or earth.  While I love the tune and the concept of living together in harmony and peace. I just can’t imagine it … Read more

Five Minute Friday: Friend

There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.  That was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the prompt-around 4 this morning.  Have you ever had a friend like that? No, don’t go all biblical on me and just spout out “Jesus”. Yes, He is THE friend. And, no, … Read more