Five Minute Friday: Friend

There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. 

That was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the prompt-around 4 this morning. 

Have you ever had a friend like that? No, don’t go all biblical on me and just spout out “Jesus”. Yes, He is THE friend. And, no, don’t shout out “my spouse” -they are both exempt from this definition of friend. {because my husband has been by my side longer than anyone else on this planet)

I’m talking about a flesh and blood, walking and talking beside you, looking at you while you are talking friend that sticks closer than a brother. 

I have-once. It was for a season. I didn’t realize it at the time, and it took me me a long while to come to grips with that fact. 

Some of you have had life long friends since kindergarten, third grade or even 7th grade (like my daughter and her best friend-they are both married mothers now). I was not afforded that luxury. I went to 14 different schools between kinder and graduation from high school. I only have a friendship with 2  people I’ve known as far back as high school – I went to 3 different high schools – in three different towns. Kinda hard to keep up and keep in touch when you move a lot. Not to mention the lack of internet, cell phones, cheap communication via phone in general, and the fact that some people just lose touch because they don’t like to write. I’m talking ancient history here to most of you…

If you ever are blessed with that “friend who sticks closer” – both of you- please make sure it’s not because you are feeding off each other’s support in any way, but because you enjoy their company and realize- both of you- that it may truly be only for a season and live your friendship well.

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