Five Minute Friday: Imagine

It’s five minute Friday again over at Lisa-Jo’s and today’s prompt is: Imagine Yes, the song did just start in my head- and then it hit me- how sad to imagine no Heaven or earth.  While I love the tune and the concept of living together in harmony and peace. I just can’t imagine it … Read more

That One Word

That. ONE. Word. You know the one, that word I chose for myself for this year. Yes, that’s it over on the right staring you in the face as you read this.  When I first became aware of the “One Word” for the year it seemed so much more practical than a whole list of … Read more

Five Minute Friday: Again

It’s Friday and it’s time to do that 5 minute thingy again. And the subject is, indeed, again. AGAIN Lots of snippets of songs have begun to run through my head with that word jumping out at me…. like-oh, nevermind.  Again- indicates I’ve been here before. I’m repeating something – again. And the first thought … Read more