Five Minute Friday: Small

How providential that the prompt for today’s FMF is  SMALL Eleven years ago today, my life took another turn.  I became a grandmother for the first time. Months of waiting, anticipating culminated in this day. We are so blessed by family now with 7 g’kids and another on the way in a few weeks. They … Read more

Five Minute Friday: Beautiful

It’s time for 5 minute Friday at Lisa-Jo’s hangout. Today’s prompt: Beautiful You know we think of this word and quite often the vision of a young woman comes to mind.  Or, perhaps a landscape or sunrise or sunset.  Or, for you, perhaps it’s something else altogether. I stopped to think about those things that … Read more

Five Minute Friday: Rhythm

It’s 5-minute Friday again and today’s prompt is:   RHYTHM   She and I were out of rhythm. Way out of rhythm.    This week she spoke words of the petulant child; unhappy with herself but unable to express what her heart was feeling any other way. I did not feel her rhythm. I heard … Read more