Five Minute Friday: Begin

This is the final Friday that Lisa-Jo Baker will host FMF- it will continue, but it will begin a new phase on another site. Fitting then that today’s prompt is “Begin”.

I sit waiting here, looking out the window, waiting.
For something.
To Begin.
Begin is such a big word packed into five letters, there is such meaning and anticipation there. The implication of something big, important, life changing. If you aren’t looking forward to begin anew when something ends and leaves you by the side of the road, I would urge you to reconsider. Everything starts somewhere and even creation started with “In the beginning…” 
I’m almost 62, you would think that I would not be thinking of beginnings but endings. My life has been a long succession of beginnings and endings. When you have been married 42 years, have three married children and nine grandchildren, the beginnings begin to stack up. When I look back though, on a long line of folks who have left this life to begin their place in eternity with God, it seems like a lot of endings.
I am looking forward to that Begin that starts the moment I take my last breath here on this side and to that first breath in His Presence. Of course, I have reservations- I want to be here as long as possible to see the grands have their own big Beginnings. I am content to begin there whenever He calls. Until then I will celebrate all the beginnings here and the beginnings there, too.
 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19




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