Five Minute Friday: Write

Haven’t done this in a while- but today’s prompt for Five Minute Friday from Lisa-Jo Baker, was the impetus I needed. WRITE she said.   So I click on the big blue W and open a doc and I write. To write is to live through written expression of one’s thoughts, emotions and beliefs. For … Read more

Five Minute Friday: Together

Today’s prompt: Together This week there are hundreds of women attending a blogging conference in South Carolina. Their love for blogging is not what brought them together. It’s their love for Christ and their need to share with the world. They are one voice together for these few days once a year. They join at … Read more

Five Minute Friday: Laundry

Today’s prompt for 5-minute Friday is: Laundry   The washing’s on the line and hung out to dry. That’s what I grew up with. Wash day came on the same day every week, rain or shine.  Those lines drooped with sheets, towels, socks, underwear, pajamas, shirts, pants, dresses, skirts and anything else that could be … Read more