I Fall Down… Again

In the post-Christmas shopping days I went to the store like many others. Was going thru the aisles just like the other customers in the store. Saw a lady leaning on her basket, looked distressed. She was older, slight- seemed like she’d blow away like a feather if you moved by her too fast.  I … Read more

Looking Forward to a Place Where I Belong

When the excitement of New Year’s Day has passed and we’ve settled into the idea of 2012 and the writing of it on the page and the checkbook, do you go back to the routine of every day, relieved to have Christmas behind and Valentines’ ahead? Some years that is me; just let me get back … Read more


On the radio, the other day, the announcer was asking listeners to call and : “Tell us about your most memorable Christmas” and there were so many folks calling in with stories. This time of year can be full of meaning and sweet memories. However, there are so many people who hurt so much more … Read more