Five Minute Friday: Listen

I really only have 5 minutes this morning. two grands coming to stay for a week.

The prompt today is:


I will listen today very carefully for the toddler and his older sister. I will care for their needs and rock them to sleep. But I will also listen to the memories of how they came to be.

41 years ago today I made a giant leap from a dysfunctional home that on a scale of 1-10 was 10 to the Nth power. That leap was to forever change the course of my life and set my feet on the path I am on today.

No, it wasn’t my salvation. It was because of my salvation that I was able to listen to the Holy Spirit tell me – this is the one I want you to marry, he is the one I have chosen for you. We discussed that one back and forth for a bit, I’ll tell you!  Of course, you know He was right.

I am so forever grateful that God plucked up a 19 year old girl and a 17 year old boy and said: “Do this! I’ll handle the details.”

And He has. 41 years and three kids, married, and I love my daughters and son in law, and I love the 7 soon to be 8 grands, and I love that our life is a testimony not to our faithfulness, but to His. Oh, and did I say? He chose well for me, My Lord.

My best friend in the whole world He chose for me. I’m so glad I listened.

I love you, dearly, my husband of 41 years!


I’m done for today.


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