After the rain.
After the drought.
After everything else.
After I fall down again.
After I get myself back up-again.
After I fall on my face before the Throne.
After the joy returns.
All of these imply that there was something “before”.
Before the rains came.
Before the drought left.
Before everything else.
Before I fell again.
Before I got myself back up- again.
Before I fell on my face before the Throne.
Before the joy is found.
Before, I was relying on myself to keep me upright, from falling, from failing, from sorrow, from grief, from despair, from destruction.
Sad place to be in, eh?
Then the Something in between came. God came. To me. He washed me. He cleansed me inside out. He picked me up and put me on His path. He brought me out of the place of destruction and placed me on the high plain of joy. He spoke and speaks to me constantly.
Now, in the After, I am whole. I am filled with His Holy Spirit. I can give. I can grieve with hope. And I can see the far country ahead- the place where I will finally belong. No longer a stranger and alien who sees only from a distance. But the whole of the promise of God will be delivered to me in that far country, in that city where the streets are gold and the angels are praising Him continually and I shall spend eternity with my voice lifted up in concert with the universe:
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come.