So, as I said in my previous post- I’ve chosen a word for the coming year. Not a vow. Not a promise. A goal. One Word. Easy Peasy, right?
On second thought, I think it sounds and looks easier than it is. Today we had plumbing problems in the guest bathroom. We have family on the horizon fast approaching. Not an opportune time. I just fell apart- One. More. Thing. I said through the tears that were forming- “It’s always One. More. Thing. I’m so tired of this.” And he says “it’s always been One. More. Thing.”
That definitely did not make it better.
So I grieved a little- pouted actually, felt sorry for myself for about 2 minutes; then recovered. And, now the plumber is here and the “thing” is getting resolved. Whew.
Which brings me back to this One Word.
Here’s my button, tell me what you think?
Rather impressive, yes? I have Melanie at Only a Breath to thank for this jewel-
She is one talented girl with a big heart! Thanks Melanie! Go check her site and ask her to make you a button for your word for 2013.
Being a relative newcomer to the blogosphere, I was clueless about this One Word for the year. No more. This is better than a new year’s resolution. Not an unattainable goal here. Just one simple word. It will stay on my page for this year as a reminder to myself and to keep me accountable.
I wonder ….
Persevere. Verb. {uh-oh that means action…} If you click on the aforementioned word to the left there- you can read the dictionary definition- and please note the meaning from the origin in the Old French > continue steadfastly, aka > very strict. Did you read that? VERY STRICT
If you know me even a little- the only thing I relate being very strict about is when I’m addressing my children’s behavior {ok, kids, you can get up from the floor now}. Fortunately, they are grown and do not suffer under mom’s iron rule anymore.
This just in: I can already see that this persevere thing is going to start right away.
My computer has just been visited by a gremlin in the Kremlin and I’ve lost the rest of my post. I saved every time I walked away, I did, but, all 4 paragraphs are out in the ether now. So I’ve lost the words and, now, my train of thought. Bummer.
Here’s my attempt to salvage this pitiful offering…I am the epitome of the word undisciplined. I can accomplish a task or bring something to a satisfactory ending when required. However, now that I’m in charge of my own time, I get around to finishing something eventually. Sort of. Well, occasionally.
The point is that in order for me to continue steadfastly I have to believe that God is Faithful and will bring me through it if He brings me to it as I’ve heard it said.
Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. 1 Timothy 4:16
for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. 2 Timothy 1:12b
Welcome 2013, I eagerly await you and what God is going to do as I persevere.
Come along for the ride?