Peace. 2019.
What a lovely, peaceful moment is reflected in the picture above. Just sitting, watching the boats and the ducks go by on a lazy afternoon. “Peace”. It’s the word I’m facing this year. Such a challenge. But then, if it wasn’t a challenge what would be the purpose of having a word?
The first mention of peace in scripture that I’ve found is when the Lord is talking with Abram. He is telling Abram that he will not die childless; He tells him of his future and the future of his descendants who will be as many as the stars in the sky. In Genesis 15:15, He says to Abram: “You, however, will go to your ancestors in peace and be buried at a good old age.” Such a good way to begin my thoughts about peace. The promise of a long life ending in peace.
For the past several years the word “surrender” has been on my radar. I’ve heard it in conversation, in sermons, on the radio, in songs. I’ve read it countless times and it has come home to roost in my heart. Surrender is something I don’t think I’ve ever been able to do well if at all. The Holy Spirt has been whispering it over and over. I’ve become aware of my selfishness, my preferences and my pride through this word. I’m not totally surrendered in all things, but I think that now I’m aware of it and aware when I’m not surrendered to the Lord’s will and by being aware I’m more able to actually surrender when needed,
Just before Christmas the word “peace” began to stand out to me, almost in the same way that surrender did. In a note, in a verse, in conversation, and in Bible study. I was not sure that it was what I needed to focus on, but seeing it in several scriptures right in a row over the course of several days in my Bible study it became clear that I need to really understand what peace means in my life, my faith and my relationships with my family and friends.
As we embark upon another year, I leave you with this verse: ‘May the Lord bless and protect you; may the Lord’s face radiate with joy because of you; may he be gracious to you, show you his favor, and give you his peace.’- Numbers 6:24-26 (TLB)
My desire for this year’s word is for it to be active and evident in my life- His Peace.
What about you? Have you considered a word? What word are you hearing?