A Challenge from Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The following words came from an email devotional that I received from Michael Card, the musician, a few years ago. 


“While I was at Western Kentucky University, Eberhard Bethge, the great biographer of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, shared a story with us. Bonhoeffer was discipling a group of young men in a secret underground seminary during World War II. The regimen required students to meditate on a passage of Scripture for two hours a day. 

After only a few days, some of the men complained to Bonhoeffer that their minds were wandering. It was unreasonable, they told the amused Bonhoeffer, to require this of them when they had so many worries at home. He told them to stop trying to fight it. “Follow your mind wherever it goes,” he said. “Follow it until it stops and then, wherever it stops, make that person or problem a matter for prayer. The struggling only leads to more noise and inner turmoil.”- Michael Card


It made such an impression on me that I wanted to share this with you and challenge you to try to meditate on a scripture passage yourself. It matters not whether it’s a small or large passage. I myself chose only one verse. I did end up meditating on it for quite sometime and wrote down the impact it made upon me and yes, it was a subject for prayer-long, intense prayer. Perhaps there’s something that you are struggling with-this may help you as it’s helped me. I’ve since done it with other verses and it’s still amazing to me what I’ve discovered about myself and the people and situations who come to mind that the Lord wanted me to pray over.

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