Five Minute Friday: Join

It’s Friday and it’s time for my five minutes- today’s word is Join.


Join as in joinery? Join a club? Join the conversation? Join in? Joined at the hip? Join me? What God hath joined? 

Just what does join mean and where does it fit? Tell me, I want to know. 

The fitting together, so they don’t fall apart, two or more items to make one new item. A group? A class? A team? A life? A marriage.

Ahh, that one! 

Yes, I am joined so that we are no longer two but one. One shared life, one family, one Hope, one Faith, One aging together {well that part is new}. 

Not sure how we will handle the joining of two different schedules into one eventually, but it will certainly be interesting! Explosive? maybe? But never dull! We two, who have had different schedules from almost day one of our joined life together. First college schedules, then work schedules, then kid team schedules, then more work schedules, and now one retired and one working schedule. 

I have learned that being joined does not necessarily mean we both go in the same direction together at the same time, but as we age and merge in to the one schedule we have agreed that there are things we want to do together before we can’t:

go to every major league baseball park and watch a game

go to every state capital

go to every ocean in the world (well, maybe)

step foot on every continent (except Antarctica- that is too cold even for me)

Drive the entire remaining Route 66 road 

take a train across Canada 

Go to every Hard Rock Cafe (that one may have to be amended- it ain’t the old Hard Rock anymore- This was decided a long time ago when we learned that exactly one year before we were married the first one opened in London- so exactly 11 days after we met for the first time!) yes- i keep those dates locked up tight in my heart!

Have a month long vacation on the beach one summer with the entire family coming and going!

 Yeah, we know that we may not accomplish all of these dreams, but that’s ok, because we are joined we will do whatever – together. 

Being joined – is good! 


“Two are better than one,  because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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